Does anyone even need a website?

In this day of prevalent social media use, does anyone even need a website?

While social media has become a powerful and integral part of the online landscape, having a dedicated website remains crucial for several reasons:

1. Professionalism and Credibility: A website provides a professional online presence and is often viewed as a sign of credibility. Many customers expect legitimate businesses to have a website where they can find detailed information about products, services, and contact details.

2. Control over Content and Branding: With a website, you have complete control over the content, design, and branding. Unlike social media platforms, where your content is subject to their algorithms and policies, a website allows you to shape your brand image and messaging exactly as you want.

3. Ownership of Digital Assets: Social media platforms own the space where your content is hosted. Having a website means you own your domain, content, and other digital assets. This ownership is crucial for long-term stability and security.

4. Search Engine Visibility: Search engines remain a primary source of information for users. A well-optimized website improves your chances of being discovered through search engine results, driving organic traffic to your site.

5. Comprehensive Information: While social media is excellent for short and engaging content, a website allows you to provide in-depth information. It serves as a centralized hub where visitors can find detailed product/service descriptions, FAQs, blog posts, and more.

6. E-commerce Capabilities: For businesses involved in e-commerce, a website is essential for facilitating online transactions, showcasing products, and providing a seamless shopping experience. Social media platforms may complement this, but they usually don’t replace the comprehensive functionality of a dedicated online store.

7. Customization and Flexibility: A website gives you the flexibility to customize the user experience according to your brand and business needs. You can integrate various features, plugins, and tools to enhance functionality and user engagement.

8. Email Marketing Integration: Email marketing remains a powerful tool for customer engagement and retention. A website allows you to build an email list, integrate sign-up forms, and implement email marketing strategies more effectively.

9. Long-Term Sustainability: Social media trends can change rapidly, and a platform that is popular today might lose its relevance in the future – or even disappear altogether into the ether! (Anyone else remember Friends Reunited or Myspace?!) Having a website ensures a more stable and enduring online presence that can adapt to evolving trends.

10. Analytics and Data Ownership: Websites provide access to detailed analytics and insights about user behavior. This data is crucial for making informed decisions, understanding your audience, and optimizing your online strategy. On social media platforms, data access is often limited. The best known (and free) analytic programmes are Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) has tools and reports which help you measure your site’s Search traffic and performance and fix issues. Google Analytics is a free web analytics service that offers basic analytical tools and statistics used for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing.

So the short answer is – yes, websites are still relevant – which is a relief if you are a website designer! While social media is an important component of online presence and marketing, having a website offers unique advantages in terms of control, professionalism, credibility, and long-term sustainability. A well-rounded online strategy often includes both a website and an active presence on relevant social media platforms.

So – if you’ve sorted out your social media but your website presence is looking less than perfect – do not hesitate to get in touch.

(Picture is of a website I designed for a client who does PR for boutique hotels in Sri Lanka )